Why Vedic Maths

It is quite shocking to know that in India, a country with a mathematics heritage stretching back to Aryabhatta and Ramanujan, the mathematical skills of 230 million children in primary and secondary education are in steep decline. The recent Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) for the year 2018 has reiterated the same

Here are some hard facts:

  1. 56% of Class VIII students can’t divide a 3 digit number with a single digit one!
  2. 72% of students in Class V can’t do division at all! 70% of Class III students aren’t able to do any subtraction!
  3. Less than half the kids in Class III in Kerala can at least do subtraction, and that is in the state with the best showing in this category in India.
  4. While nationally, 20% or 1 out of 5 school children gave proof of essential maths skill, the proportion is an abysmal 8% in Rajasthan.

If we do a root cause analysis of why a child struggles with maths, we see that it is almost entirely due to how the child has learned maths or has been taught maths. Mathematics is a subject that has the potential to give any child a playground to unleash his/her curiosity. Unfortunately, children are exposed to maths in a highly rote-memorisation-oriented manner from a very young age. They are expected to mug up facts and formulas and solve repetitive drills based on this supercial learning and not the basic concepts vital in understanding maths. Given this, it is not surprising that many children revolt against and hate maths.

One significant way to address this issue is by introducing the children to Vedic Mathematics, a collection of simple techniques discovered by the Indian mathematician Shri Bharathi Krishna Tirthaji.  The 16 formulae and 13 sub-formulae in Vedic Mathematics can help solve problems in arithmetic, algebra, calculus, geometry, and conics.

As the child learns Vedic Maths techniques, he/she becomes enabled to do complicated calculations mentally. Children who use Vedic Maths to solve problems are seen to be 10-15 times faster than those using standard methods. The ability to do mental calculations quickly will be a significant advantage when the child takes competitive exams.

The challenge today is that Vedic Maths learning programs are accessible only to children of economically forward families. Training companies target children of elite families who can afford the training. There are hardly any training centres located in the rural areas of the country.

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